Social Security Tribunal of Canada

Results for Canadians

We’re always working to make our services better, based on data and user needs. We’re focused on creating a client-centric culture and providing people with timely decisions that clearly explain why benefits are granted or denied. We measure our results to identify areas for improvement and to stay accountable.

Transparency is also key to delivering a justice system that works. That’s why we publish statistics that measure our work. It helps us stay accountable to the people who use our system. 

Snapshot of results for the last fiscal year

Service Standards April1, 2023 to March 31, 2024

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Service standards – April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024**

Average days to a decision:

General Division – Employment Insurance

  • From filing of appeal: Our goal - 45 days, How we did - 108.1 days
  • From hearing: Our goal - 15 days, How we did - 17.7 days

General Division – CPP-D, Other CPP, OAS/GIS

  • From when parties are ready for a hearing: Our goal - 70 days, How we did - 93.1 days
  • From hearing: Our goal - 30 days, How we did - 23.6 days

Appeal Division – Employment Insurance

  • From filing to permission to appeal: Our goal - 45 days, How we did - 67.2 days
  • From permission to appeal to final decision: Our goal - 150 days, How we did - 113.3 days

Appeal Division – CPP-D, Other CPP, OAS/GIS**

  • From filing to permission to appeal: 19.9 days
  • From permission to appeal to final decision: 154.1 days

** New service standards were put in place in April 2024. This data shows the average number of days to get permission to appeal and to get your final decision.

Overall client satisfaction April 1,2023 to March 31, 2024: 95%

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Overall client satisfaction - April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024: 95%

Appeals concluded April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024: 8,431

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Appeals concluded - April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024: 8,431

Decisions published to website - April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024: 1,855

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Decisions published to website - April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024: 1,855

Date modified:

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