Social Security Tribunal of Canada

Social Security Tribunal service standards

We have service standards for processing appeals. Our service standards set an expectation for how many days it should take us to complete appeals under typical circumstances.

We track how well we meet our service standards and we publish our results 4 times per year. 

Type of appeal Service standard
  • Employment Insurance
  • General Division
  • We’ll issue a final decision within 45 days from when an appeal is filed, 80% of the time
  • And we’ll issue that decision within 15 days of the hearing, 80% of the time
  • Employment Insurance
  • Appeal Division
  • We’ll issue a decision on permission to appeal within 45 days from the filing of the appeal (application), 80% of the time
  • We’ll issue a final decision within 150 days from the date permission to appeal was given, 80% of the time
  • And we’ll issue that final decision within 60 days of the hearing, 80% of the time
  • Canada Pension Plan — disability, other Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security / Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • General Division
  • We’ll issue a final decision within 90 days of the last filing deadline, 80% of the time
  • And we’ll issue that final decision within 30 days of the hearing, 80% of the time
  • Canada Pension Plan — disability, other Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security / Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • Appeal Division
  • We’ll issue a decision on permission to appeal within 30 days from the filing of the appeal (application), 80% of the time
  • We’ll make a final decision within 90 days from the last filing deadline, 80% of the time
  • And we’ll issue that final decision within 60 days of the hearing, 80% of the time


Factors that may affect our ability to meet our service standards include:

  • a surge in the volume of cases
  • the complexity of certain cases
  • requests for adjournments or extensions of time
  • the availability of SST members

Our service standards do not apply to:

  • Group appeals
  • Constitutional (Charter) cases
Date modified:

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