Social Security Tribunal of Canada

Client satisfaction survey – November to December 2020

General Division (Employment Insurance and Income Security) and Appeal Division survey results

Overall satisfaction: 93%

Appeal type Satisfaction Response Rate Participants
Employment Insurance (EI) 96% 62% 107
Income Security (IS) 92% 29% 80
Appeal Division (AD) 80% 15% 7

Were forms, letters and emails easy to understand? 

Employment Insurance Income Security Appeal Division Combined
92% 91% 86% 91%
  • Although respondents overall strongly agreed with the readability of the Tribunal’s correspondence, comments from the remaining few cited complex or advanced terminology, which led to misunderstanding some documents.


  • “I am disabled due to a brain injury but I found everything simple. I found the appeal application a bit complicated but my mom helped me with it.” (Appellant, IS)
  • “All the documents were easy to understand except for one that was more difficult due to my lack of legal knowledge.” (Appellant, EI) 

Before the hearing, did you know what to expect and how to prepare? 

Employment Insurance Income Security Appeal Division Combined
92% 80% 71% 86%
  • Most representatives and appellants agreed that they felt prepared going into the hearing.
  • Respondents that did not feel prepared commented that they would have appreciated receiving the following in advance of the hearing:
    • a list of questions that would be asked
    • the hearing agenda and information on who would be at the hearing
    • a guidance call


  • “It was my first experience at a hearing, and more explanations of what to expect would have been appreciated.” (Appellant, EI)
  • “What to expect at the hearing could be better explained, either over the phone prior to the hearing or through documents. I missed the opportunity to discuss a couple things during the hearing due to nerves and lack of experience. The Tribunal member was great and made me comfortable.” (Appellant, IS) 

Were you able to participate fully, for example: answer questions, correct errors and explain your case? 

Employment Insurance Income Security Appeal Division Combined
98% 96% 86% 97%
  • 97% of respondents strongly agreed that they were able to meaningfully participate in their hearing, thanks in part to supportive, accessible and professional Tribunal members.
  • A few respondents commented that they were unsure of how much to say. Others commented that they would have liked to contact the member after the hearing with additional submissions.


  • “The Tribunal member made sure the hearing flowed smoothly.” (Appellant, EI)
  • “The hearing was very professional and easy to attend. It was easy to understand and converse with the Tribunal member. The member was very courteous and respectful.” (Appellant, IS) 

Did the Tribunal handle your appeal quickly? 

Employment Insurance Income Security Appeal Division Combined
98% 91% 71% 94%
  • Respondents overall agreed the Tribunal handles appeals quickly, and acknowledged that, considering the ongoing pandemic, the Tribunal processes their case in a timely manner.


  • “I appreciated that they accepted my doctor’s report to move the process forward quickly.” (Appellant, IS)
  • “Considering the pandemic, it went very quickly.” (Appellant, IS) 

Were you happy with the form of hearing? 

Pie chart of teleconference and zoom percentages
  • In light of the pandemic, respondents agreed that a virtual hearing was the best option (despite experiencing some technical difficulties), and were overall satisfied with their form of hearing.
  • Some respondents would have still preferred an in-person hearing, but appreciated not having to travel to participate.


  • “Considering the circumstances due to the pandemic, it was the best way to handle the hearing.” (Appellant, IS)
  • [Translation] “I’m satisfied with the Zoom hearing, but if it wasn’t for my headphones the volume wouldn’t have been loud enough. Something to consider. My preference was to have an in-person hearing. Zoom was a better compromise than a simple teleconference.” (Appellant, EI)

Did you visit the website? Was it easy to find what you were looking for? 

pie chart of visits to Tribunal website
  • Those who did not visit the Tribunal’s website were evenly split between EI and IS.
  • They remarked that they were not aware of the website, did not have access to a computer or the internet, or had all the necessary paperwork.


  • [Translation] “I didn’t visit the website.” (Appellant, EI)
  • [Translation] “I have not visited the website. However, I appreciate that an officer sent me the web page with your appeal forms.” (Appellant, EI)

Was your Navigator helpful in getting you ready for your hearing? 

Compass graphic icon

31 navigated appellants responded to the survey in Quarter 3. The October to December data shows:

  • 28 out of 31 (90%) of Navigated appellants were satisfied with their hearing experience overall.
  • Navigated appellants recorded high scores for most aspects of their proceeding, with only 6 expressing slightly lower satisfaction with the lack of preparation before the hearing and 4 expressing dissatisfaction with the length of time it took for the Tribunal to handle their appeal.


  • “100 percent. I found my navigator answered all of my questions and kept me up to date. My navigator assured me that he knew what was going on with my file.” (Appellant, IS)
  • “My navigator was very courteous and professional.” (Appellant, IS)
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